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Yoga + Collagen = More Flexibility!
We are born with the ability to be flexible. In most cases, our flexibility declines with age, even when we are active. As we grow into adults, our fabrics lose 15% of their moisture and become less stretchy.
is the discipline of maintaining flexibility especially through deep breathing and different types of stretching. When you ask your body to move from one pose to another, special attention needs to be paid to keeping your body in place. In good conscience, it's good to enlist our muscles to logically interact to aid in movement and finding balance.
What does collagen do to our body?
Over the years, collagen has been appearing in more and more conversations and/or press kits for its recognized health and well-being benefits. This protein is found in cartilage, bone marrow, muscles, ligaments, and even hair, teeth, and skin. The supply of collagen in our body can significantly improve the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system overall as well as good appearance. Supplementing with up to 10 grams of collagen per day can help reduce pain associated with lack of collagen in articular cartilage (especially in people with osteoarthritis), promote wound healing, and prevent muscle infections. A diet that consumes collagen can Builds muscle mass, and for those who practice yoga...flexibility benefits.
Yoga is a great activity to prevent and maintain your mobility.
Where can I find collagen?
The benefits of collagen are obvious, but where can we find it?
Collagen is a protein, so you can find it in protein sources like soy products, black beans, kidney beans, other legumes, seeds, and nuts. You can also increase the amount of collagen in your diet with food supplements.